FCPS Training in Medicine & Surgery
Applications are invited for FCPS-II training at the HITEC-Institute of Medical Sciences (HITEC-IMS), Taxila Cantt.
- Eligibility requirements for fellowship Program in General Medicine/General Surgery.
- Passed MBBS from institution recognized by PMDC.
- Passed FCPS Part-I examination in Medicine/Surgery and Allied.
- Candidates should bring the following documents at the time of the interview.
- All educational certificates/degrees/diplomas.
- Detailed curriculum vitae of the applicants, clearly highlighting the elements of eligibility criteria and Subject Applied.
- Applications along with documents supporting your eligibility requirements for entering fellowship program may please be emailed by 30th July, 2023 at: nasser.rashid@hitec-ims.edu.pk, kashif.khurshid@hitec-ims.edu.pk
- Walk in candidates shall also be entertained till 0800 hours on 31th July,2023.
- Contact: 0340-4959569 (Prof. Dr Kashif Khurshid)