Quality Policy

Quality Policy

Top management of HITEC-IMS is committed to provide optimal teaching facilities to medical students and allied health staff as per applicable requirements. Delivery of safe and high-quality teaching facilities for each student in HITEC-IMS is the center piece of our quality management system and management is committed to improve it continuously.

In order to maintain the quality standard committed, the top management and team of HITEC-IMS will;

  • Improve facilities, technologies and the skills of staff with the ever-changing medical discoveries
  • Monitor, review and improve the quality performance through formation of SMART objectives/key performance indicators, internal Audit, active Monitoring, interested parties Feedback, Staff Training and appropriate action for all activities
  • Provide a healthy, secure and caring work environment quipped with sate of the art technologies to our staff/students and other Interested Parties
  • Encourage all staff to always abide by the all-applicable requirements in HITEC-IMS
  • Provide the necessary resources to accomplish Quality management Objectives.

Institutional Outcomes

  • Medical Expert: Equipped with essential knowledge, clinical skills, and a professional attitude to address medical problems effectively in a local context.
  • Communicator: Communicates effectively with patients, attendants, and other healthcare providers while adhering to professional and local norms.
  • Collaborator: Works alongside other healthcare professionals to provide safe and high-quality patient-centered care.
  • Leader: Demonstrates leadership skills to guide a team of healthcare professionals for cohesive and effective patient-centered care.
  • Health Advocate: Uses expertise to improve patient health while maintaining social accountability.
  • Scholar: Commits to lifelong learning, evidence-based medicine, and research with a positive attitude.
  • Professional: Upholds professionalism and social accountability through ethical and behavioral best practices.

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