FCPS Training in Medicine & Surgery

FCPS Training in Medicine & Surgery

Applications are invited for FCPS-II training at the HITEC-Institute of Medical Sciences (HITEC-IMS), Taxila Cantt.

  1. Eligibility requirements for fellowship Program in General Medicine/General Surgery.
    • Passed MBBS from institution recognized by PMDC.
    • Passed FCPS Part-I examination in Medicine/Surgery and Allied.
  2. Candidates should bring the following documents at the time of the interview.
    • All educational certificates/degrees/diplomas.
    • Detailed curriculum vitae of the applicants, clearly highlighting the elements of eligibility criteria and Subject Applied.
  3. Applications along with documents supporting your eligibility requirements for entering fellowship program may please be emailed by 30th July, 2023 at: nasser.rashid@hitec-ims.edu.pk, kashif.khurshid@hitec-ims.edu.pk
  4. Walk in candidates shall also be entertained till 0800 hours on 31th July,2023.
  5. Contact: 0340-4959569 (Prof. Dr Kashif Khurshid)

Institutional Outcomes

  • Medical Expert: Equipped with essential knowledge, clinical skills, and a professional attitude to address medical problems effectively in a local context.
  • Communicator: Communicates effectively with patients, attendants, and other healthcare providers while adhering to professional and local norms.
  • Collaborator: Works alongside other healthcare professionals to provide safe and high-quality patient-centered care.
  • Leader: Demonstrates leadership skills to guide a team of healthcare professionals for cohesive and effective patient-centered care.
  • Health Advocate: Uses expertise to improve patient health while maintaining social accountability.
  • Scholar: Commits to lifelong learning, evidence-based medicine, and research with a positive attitude.
  • Professional: Upholds professionalism and social accountability through ethical and behavioral best practices.

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