Research Advisory Committee


The function of Research Advisory Committee (RAC) are:

  1. To support the development of a research environment at HITEC-IMS Medical College.
  2. To ensure accountability mechanisms for all functions of the research.
  3. To provide assurance (or otherwise) to the Principal that processes and structures are established and responsibilities are assigned.
  4. To seek data and information from the institution to meet the Research Committee’s functions.
  5. To maintain a log of all the research activities in the institute.
  6. To oversee the smooth running of all functions of the Research Cell.


The RAC functions as per the following rules:

  1. The RAC meet at least five times per year or otherwise, as required, to perform its functions.
  2. Any agenda points reach the secretary of the committee at least two weeks before the scheduled meeting.
  3. The RAC agenda is to be distributed to members at least seven days before the meeting or a shorter period as is practicable in the circumstances.
  4. The Research Committee may pass a resolution provided that the resolution has been approved by a simple majority of committee members at the time the resolution is made.
  5. Draft minutes are normally circulated to members for comments promptly after each meeting. Next, the minutes (with any necessary changes) will be circulated for adoption by the RAC.
  6. Public disclosure of minutes and other information received by the RAC should be made via the President or Secretary to the committee.
  7. Once annually, the RAC shall devote part of one meeting to the review of its policies, practices and procedures over the preceding twelve months.
  8. The president Research Cell plan the annual RAC meeting by giving task related to each domain of the Research Cell. All members will report their performance and share their plans in the annual RAC meeting. Secretary Research Cell will make an annual report of research cell performance that will be presented to the Academic council.


Ex-Officio Executive members:

  1. The ex officio executive members are nominated by the holding office and will be Research Advisory Committee members till they hold their primary office.
  2. The ex-officio members are not bound to attend the research They can do so on their will or request by the President’s Research Advisory Committee for a particular matter.
  3. They play a key role in developing the research culture at HITEC IMS.

Appointed Members:

  1. These members are appointed by the President of the research cell when a vacancy occurs.
  2. An appointed position becomes vacant automatically if the appointed member is absent without prior leave from three consecutive Research Advisory Committee meetings, or the appointed member loses his/ her original qualification for appointment.
  3. The term of office of an appointed member is three years. Appointed members may stand for re-appointment.
  4. They have different roles assigned according to their domains.
  5. In addition, their role in fulfilling the functions of the committee is:
    1.  President Research Cell will support the smooth running of the Research Cell, provide administrative support, maintain harmony in the Research Advisory Committee and support in developing a research environment at HITEC IMS.
    2. The In-Charge Research and Development Unit will coordinate with RAC and departments to facilitate research activities at the institute and will maintain a record of RAC meetings.
    3. Other members will support research activities and research culture at the institute.

The Undergraduate Members:

Two undergraduate students from the senior are nominated by the committee as per their performance related to research.


Ex-officio executive member:

Brig. Prof. Nasser Rashid Dar, Vice Principal HITEC-IMS Medical College.

Appointed Members:

  1. Gen. Hamid Shafiq, Principal — (President of Research cell )
  2. Dr Wajiha Mah jabeen, In-charge R&D Unit — (Coordinator/ Member)
  3. Asma Hafeez, Associate Dean Basic Science — (Member)
  4. Nazir Ahmed Malik, Associate Dean Clinical — (Member)
  5. Dr. Syed Wasim Akhtar, In-Charge Training Cell — (Member)

Undergraduate Members:

  1. President Student Research Society
  2. Vice President Student Research Society

Institutional Outcomes

  • Medical Expert: Equipped with essential knowledge, clinical skills, and a professional attitude to address medical problems effectively in a local context.
  • Communicator: Communicates effectively with patients, attendants, and other healthcare providers while adhering to professional and local norms.
  • Collaborator: Works alongside other healthcare professionals to provide safe and high-quality patient-centered care.
  • Leader: Demonstrates leadership skills to guide a team of healthcare professionals for cohesive and effective patient-centered care.
  • Health Advocate: Uses expertise to improve patient health while maintaining social accountability.
  • Scholar: Commits to lifelong learning, evidence-based medicine, and research with a positive attitude.
  • Professional: Upholds professionalism and social accountability through ethical and behavioral best practices.

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