Archives: Events

NUMS Inspection

NUMS directorate of inspection visited HITEC Medical & Dental College and its affiliated hospitals from 27th to 29th December 2021. The purpose of the inspection was to evaluate and ensure that HITEC-IMS adopts the quality assurance standards and protocols set by the PMC. Read More

Tree Plantation

A ceremony of tree plantation took place at Medical College HITEC-IMS on September 2nd 2021, as part of “Green Pakistan Clean Pakistan campaign “started by The Prime Minister Pakistan. This project is expected to preserve the atmospheric health. The Principal Medical College HITEC-IMS, Vice Principal, Deputy Director, faculty members from Basic and Clinical sciences participated [...] Read More

Workshop on Fire Extinguishers

A workshop was arranged by Medical College HITEC, on the design and application of fire extinguishers. The workshop was held on 8th September, 2021 inside the Medical College HITEC premises. The workshop was attended by the faculty members from the clinical and basic sciences and the staff and assistants. A certified fire extinguisher service engineer [...] Read More

Orientation Day 2021

HITEC Institute of Medical Sciences conducted orientation for 5th Batch MBBS and 3rd Batch BDS students.

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ISO Training

ISO Training is Conducted by Quality Assurance Department to train the nominated persons

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Orientation 3rd Batch-2019

Orientation 3rd Batch-2019 Orientation of 3rd Bath-2019 of HITEC-IMS organized by the administration on 2nd September, 2019.

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Kashmir Day

Kashmir Day Kashmir Solidarity Day, also known as ‘Youm-e-Yakhjehti-e-Kashmir’ has been observed in Pakistan since 1990 as a day of protest against Indian control of part of Kashmir.

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